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Available at this Time

We do occasionally have adolescents and adults available for placement in pet/performance homes.

AVAILABLE: I will have several adolescents and adults available in the next several months.
I only place my adults with experienced Australian Shepherd owners/homes.

You must be adept at training. Most of these prospects are my pick puppies from previous litters. Due to downsizing they will be placed.

These are dogs that are high-drive, potential performance prospects, busy and are used to running with wild abandon all day long on acreage.


If you feel you may be a suitable, permanent and loving home, please contact me.


Thank you for your interest in a Stonepine adult or adolescent or adult. There is a specific process in obtaining a dog from a preservation breeder. Click on the OWNER FAQ tab (above) for detailed information on my breeding program, your suitability for the breed, what to expect from an Australian Shepherd, etc.

After reading the information, feel free to contact me and schedule a telephone interview. No dogs are sold solely via the internet. Again, thank you for your interest in Stonepine.


     Thank You for your interest in Stonepine Australian Shepherds   

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